Splurges and fun, what is that exactly? Growing up in a single mother household we didn’t really get to experience that. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I realized that my own mother had never taken a vacation until I took her on one in 2020, just before coronavirus came in and changed all of our lives.
I have never passed judgement on my mother because unlike some, she made every effort to do the best in raising four children on her own. I remember my first family vacation experience was with my elementary school best friend and her family. The family had planned a trip to Carowinds Amusement Park and invited me to go with them. And although I was scared of heights and didn’t ride much, I remember it being quite an experience. It was this experience that impacted me the most still to this day.
As a child, you hear about kids who know exactly what they want to be when they grow up. That was not me. I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. I just knew that I wanted more, so I focused on graduating high school and working various jobs after that. I felt that it was a pretty okay life since I was able to buy whatever I wanted.
It wasn’t until after I had my sons and experienced a near death situation that I got laser focused. I realized I had ended up in a similar situation as my mother, raising my sons without either of their fathers in the home. I say similar because although I was doing it alone I had managed to take my boys on trips here and there, but nothing to the extent that I felt that they truly deserved. It was during this rebuilding process that I realized that the best way to provide them the best life possible was by first taking back control of my financial situation.

Did You Know That You Could Possibly Be Overpaying In Taxes Each Pay Period?

What most of us don’t realize is that taxes are an employee’s single largest expense each month.
Wait, what?
You heard me correctly. This may come as a shock to some, but not everyone pays taxes.
The wealthy make more money but pay less in taxes simply because they understand the tax laws and instead of operating out of the E (employee) quadrant like so many families, they operate out of the B (Business Owner) & I (Investor) quadrants. This is how people like Donald Trump have been reported to not pay taxes for stretches of up to ten years.