When I first cut my hair, it wasn’t a fashion statement. It was solely because I had no other choice than to cut it completely off, so it would grow back evenly.
My hair was cut off during an attack by a man who claimed to love me and my sons. As he cut my hair off, he said some very hurtful things to me leaving a clear impression that his intentions were to make sure that I felt as UGLY as the haircut he was giving me; to ensure that no one else would want me.
I became very insecure after that incident; something that I had never experienced in all my life. Because of my own insecurities, I started feeling that people were treating me differently because of the length of my hair.
Afterwards, I had people telling me as a way of offering me comfort, "It's just hair, it'll grow back."
What the people that commented on my hair didn't realize was that it was more than just hair, it was ME. It had always been a part of me, a part of my identity.

More Than Just Hair, It Had Always Been A Part Of My Identity